Ivan the Terrible, Adolph Hitler, Attila the Hun, and Osama Bin Laden.. what do they ALL have in common?
And I realize now these examples are bad as they all have AWFUL facial hair. Crap. Let me start over.
Forget the facial hair. What do all of these guys have in common? Oh, dang. They all have names that begin with vowels. Crap. Let me start over again.
What do these bunch of men have in common if you're looking at their photos? Well, I can see why you might say "angry eyes". Ack, okay, this isn't going where I thought it would. Forget the evil guys. Let me start over again, again.
Last night the Husband and I got into an argument. It may or may not have been pointless. The point is, whyyy did we get into an argument?! Husband came to pick me up at the in-laws' house because my brakes went out while I was going down their STEEP driveway. Something was wrong with the ABS system. Cue scary horror music. I had The Baby in the vehicle so I asked hubby to come get us after he was out of work at 10pm and we would take care of the car later.
On the way home, Husband says something slightly mean and I equally blow it out of proportion. By the time we get home, World War III is being waged in the house. Captain is slamming kitchen cabinets, I'm saying, "Can I HELP you?" in a mean voice, Captain says, "No you cannot!", I notice he's looking for garlic, I say, "Well, lucky for you I took the garlic with me today to make lasagna.", he says, "Well, WHERE is it?", I say, "Sorry, I CANNOT help you.", etc., etc., etc., etc., :) This all ends with me getting into bed while he finishes eating with him saying, "I TOLD you I was HUNGRY."
Once upon a time, I was in a group setting and the "teacher" told the "class" that it is very important to remember the rules of "HALT", when conversing. HALT is an acronym for Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired. Try to have a conversation with any one of those, and it is difficult. Add two of those and you're begging for disaster. Add 3 and you have WWIII. I don't even want to KNOW what happens if we get to all four of those puppies. Anyhow, we violate those rules all the time because we have The Baby.
So, back to the meanies upstairs. All those nutso guys have something in common besides weird facial hair, creepy eyes, and scary posture. They are all skinny. So, if the world would just all have a sandwich, there would be world peace. At least for 10 minutes. Husband and I have vowed to do better at managing our own blood sugar.
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