Monday, February 13, 2012

Let's get STARTED!

I have been wanting to start a blog for roughly eleventy-billion years. Okay, maybe only 5 or so. Every time I go to start a blog, I can't think of how to start it. I think of posts I want to write on it, but how exactly do I get to the business of ACTUALLY introducing myself to people who don't even exist (IE followers)? I have written a bunch of lengthy "My name is and I.." posts and then I've just written short intros but none of them seem to work.

So, uh.. I'm a perfectionist. So instead of trying to be witty, fun, controversial, blah blah blah, I'm going to give you 25 facts you might want to know about me. If you like it, then maybe I'll keep posting and you'll keep reading. If you don't like it, then go somewhere else! Mmkay? Oh, and a quick note about the title: Before my mom passed away, I used to call her at least once (usually more) a day to discuss very random thoughts I was having, that she would enjoy. I miss having that outlet so now you are being subjected to all of the Random Thoughts with Jaime. 

1.) I type using an OVERABUNDANCE of all capped words and I go into a lot of stupid details (in parenthesis). Deal with it. I am an exuberant speaker and it is hard when I can't wave my hands and yell things at you.

2.) I am VERY curious, sometimes too curious. Good thing I'm not a cat.

3.) I love God. I believe in the Bible. Done. Period. End of Story. If you want to try to convince me it is wrong, then be prepared for a LENGTHY discussion because I have done my homework.

4.) I cloth diaper. WTF?! I know, it is crazy but I LOVE it. I am addicted. I talk a little bit about it.

5.) I have insane relatives. Really, I'm not joking.. and it runs in the family.

6.) I love photography and telling stories. Here's an example: Once upon a time there was a girl who would take every opportunity she had to photograph every beautiful place and family. Then she had a baby. The End. (Maybe one day this will be a longer story.)

7.) I love wiener. No, not that creepo politician, and not the German sausage, and I'm not referring to my husband (or AM I? >:) I'm referring to my little dachshund named Bear.

8.) I get excited about things in phases. I have done a lot of stuff in my life. Here's an abbreviated list of things I've tried and liked: Skydiving, whitewater kayaking, hiking, guitar lessons, figure skating, backpacking, painting, drawing, sleeping, baking, making omelettes, Scrabble, piano lessons, reading, interior decorating, cooking, photography, web design, skiing, camping, writing, trumpet, pottery, saxophone, surfing, making clothes, sewing, knitting, remodeling houses, horseback riding, online games, doing puzzles, whitewater rafting, canoeing, caving, bird watching, raising a squirrel, owning a lot of animals, and the list could just go on and on. But HONESTLY I am not very good at ANY of these things. I focus on one or two of them for six months and move on. Sometimes they come back into the rotation and sometimes they don't.

9.) I'm an emotional person. My parents were very bad at containing/ expressing emotions appropriately. I now am too. Great role models I didn't have. I'm working on it. Sorry Husband.

10.) I overthink things terribly! No, seriously, it gets me in trouble. See #9.

11.) I am a MOMMY. I love my son. :) He is only 4.5 months old right now. I am proud. I will probably write ridiculous posts exclaiming about the things he can do (which EVERY baby can do and are no big deal.)

12.) I love parenthesis. Did I mention that already? :)

13.) I'm addicted to social media. It is how I relate to the world. Good job college, you taught me something.

14.) I live in East Tennessee, which is very much unlike any other part of the world, except maybe for parts of West Virginia.

15.) We don't watch TV.

16.) I am usually attached to my baby while typing things.. LITERALLY. He is breastfeeding. People ask me when I'm gonna stop and I don't know yet. I guess when the time is right. He's only 4 months old, for pete's sake. (Who is Pete?)

17.) My mom died. It is sad, very sad. In 2008, she passed away from Pancreatic Cancer, after only a 3 month battle. I miss her terribly. But through her, I got to know God pretty well after some angry shouting matches (with God, not my Mom, goofy!). Thanks Mom.

18.) My sister is in seminary. She is amazeballs, seriously. She is so lucky to get to study God like it is her job. Wait, it IS her job. (Oh and she is preggo and her husband is going into the coast guard. Her poor kiddo is gonna be a preacher's kid AND a military brat. Whoa!)

19.) Our little family lives in a 600 sq.ft. house. Thankfully, I gave up the habit of collecting animals. It is now just Me, Husband, the baby, and the mini-wiener. I could make all kinds of private jokes about how tight a fit it is and the wiener barely fits, but I'll try and be mature... for now...

20.) I used to be all corporate and such. It just wasn't me, but I was good at playing the part. Now, I sit around in yoga pants with mashed banana in my hair and a wet bra till approximately 8 minutes before the Husband comes home. (Then I shower and run around straightening the house to make it look like I did something all day.)

21.) I LOVE people. People who have problems, people who are mean, people who don't know God, people who are sweet, and people who are crazy. They are all my relatives. JUST KIDDING! NONE of my relatives are sweet. Again.. kidding. I do love people though. I used to be mean and harsh and all unlovey. Then I met God and he said, "You suck, but you could suck less if you let me help you."

22.) I procrastinate a lot. I wish I didn't. I really wish I didn't. But, I have anxiety. It keeps me from doing things because I'm SCARED. Of what, I don't know, I'm just scared. So, I don't do things if I'm scared. I go jump out of planes or ski double black diamonds instead. I TOLD you I know crazy people!

23.) I love the word "So.." It is just good. You can use it anywhere. It takes up space, it is a good transitional word, and it is great for adding emphasis. Apparently, you are not supposed to start words with conjunctions. But, I'm from Indiana. So, I'm allowed to. Because that is what we do in Indiana.

24.) I'm not a hippy. Just because I cloth diaper and don't watch TV and sometimes eat organic stuff and like farmers markets and have wooden toys occasionally have made my own clothes and all does NOT mean I am an environmentalist or hippy. I just like buying things made in the USA and things that are sustainable and things that are not bad for the environment, and things that are good to eat. Besides, have you ever smelled a hippy? They smell like dirt and patchouli and STUFF. I smell like Pantene Pro-V.*

25.) I am ridiculously lengthy when discussing something I'm into. Sorry. You should have guessed this one already. I try not to be, but I can't help it. That is why Twitter is #incrediblydifficult for me.

*At least I smell like that approximately 7 minutes before Husband gets home!

That rounds it out! I hope you stick around for more, if you can stand it! Love you in advance, even though you who may read this in the future have no idea I exist yet!

P.S. I'm adding a #26 to this. I enjoy humor, but you may not think my humor is funny. If you think what I'm typing is objectionable, you probably aren't getting my humor (because I can't smile, laugh, wave my hands at you over this Interwebby thing).

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