Monday, April 23, 2012

The Win/Lose Day!

An interesting thing happened to me over the weekend.. It was really fortuitous considering the blog post I wrote on Thursday regarding Cloth Diapering and how I carry poop proudly! Anyhow, The Husband and I had a great day on Saturday that ended in a calamity... at least for SOMEONE!

We started out the day by going to Chick-Fil-A and I have to say any day that starts with their yumminess is just going to be a good one. However, the bun to my Spicy Chicken Sandwich was a disgusting, buttery mess that fell apart in my hands. Unfortunately, that was the second time in two visits that that particular thing has happened and it was really disappointing. And ominous.

After that, we stumbled upon a Heritage Festival and Civil War Encampment being put on at the Thompson Brown House. Before we went in, we changed The Baby's dirty diaper. Ugh. Anyhow, the festival was pretty awesome as they gave free admission to see the artifacts inside the house and outside, they had a lot of demos, book signings, and people dressed up and a band playing, "Leaving On a Jetplane" (Go figure?) The thing I really enjoyed was seeing some artifacts from Kermit's house... no, not the green muppet of a man, Kermit. This guy was Kermit Caughron. He was the last descendant of the families that were allowed to stay living in Cades Cove, until his passing in 1999. (Read more about him: here.) As we were leaving, we again changed The Baby.

Next up, we stopped in at Little River Trading Company, by far one of the most fair and nice outdoor outfitters near the Smoky Mountains. As we looked around, I came to find The Husband checking out the ONE thing I really wanted for my birthday, which brought a huge smile to my face. Even better? He got it for me right there. I am now part-owner of a Kelty kid backpack carrier. Because of my bad back, I can't use traditional baby carriers, but this one puts all the weight on my hips! Even better? It's green! Happy Birthday to me! As we left, I again changed The Baby's diaper.

After we did that, we stopped to look at a property for sale near Townsend. We had seen it, in the dark, the day before. It was the kind of fading infatuation that one might experience as you party all night in a dark bar and after last call you are still chatting with someone who you think is pretty good looking. Then.... the lights are turned on and you realize the person you've been chatting with is about a 4 on the 1 to 10 scale, even with a couple of drinks in you. (Of course, these are from my pre-Christian days ;) We realized the property literally had nothing in it, besides walls. Also, it needed a new everything.. help with its foundation, new decks, new stairs, new siding, new windows. It pretty much needed a new house. Anyhow, after seeing this we fed and changed The Baby.

I was pretty psyched for our next location! We were going to an antique store in Townsend I've been wanting to go to for a long time. For some reason, we always say we want to stop in and then somehow miss its' open hours due to kayaking or hiking longer than expected. It was a sad disappointment. Everything in there was marked up for tourists at at least 50 percent! Our entertainment came from trying to find the most overpriced item in there to show each other! 

After the antique store, we decided we had better head back to Knoxville and go to the grocery store as our cupboards were BARE! We drove around for a bit trying to decide where to go for dinner first as we were St-ar-VING! At the last minute, we decided to reprise Friday's dinner at El Jimador. Oh man.. I love that Mexican restaurant in Maryville. It is, by far, my favorite Mexican place to go to! They have THE BEST monterey chicken, bean burritos, queso, tostadas.. the list goes on! The Baby LOVED the refried beans so as we left,  I had to change him one last time before heading to the store. 

Ever since having The Baby and the whole Pink Slime Debacle, we have been much more conscious of what kinds of foods and chemicals we're putting in our bodies. It is really scary the number of pesticides that are used on many foods that turn up in human breastmilk! Anyhow, because of this, we decided to try and buy as much organic as we could at the store. We spent my entire life savings  about DOUBLE what we usually do on groceries and ended up with far less. So, it is time for a change of plans on that. (Time to expand our garden!) We, somewhat shell-shocked, loaded up and headed home.

As soon as we got home, I began to load The Baby's diapers into the wash while The Husband brought in the groceries (in one load as we bought hardly anything..). As I was doing this, I looked for the wetbag I used that day to put The Baby's dirty diapers in. I could NOT find it. I searched high and low, in the car, in the house, in the washer (Did I already put it in?? No, I did not but I'm grossed out from touching these things), and then repeated my search. To. No. Avail. I was officially missing one wetbag full of wet and poopy diapers. 

Enter Crisis Mode. I have never left the wetbag anywhere. The only time I've ever even misplaced a diaper was when they got missing at grandma's house when she watched The Baby and when I accidentally lost one to the side of the washer for a couple weeks. Wearing my panic voice, I called the grocery store and tried to explain what I was missing. "Yes, uhmm, did someone find a zippered bag.. no not a purse... that is about the size of a gallon Ziploc. No, not plastic.... it is green cloth with blue and red dots on it. It is uhhh... full of dirty diapers." <LONGGGG silence> "Uhmm.. no... ma'am.. nobody turned anything like that in. They check the parking lot at night though, so call back again tomorrow morning."

Now repeat the above conversation, only calling EL JIMADOR!! THE MEXICAN RESTAURANT... and half in spanish. "Una bolsa? Purse?" "NO, not a purse.. a plastic type bag made of cloth with a zipper.. full of cloth diapers." "QUE?!" <sigh and a long pause> "No no no, no bag." 

Soooo, I'm officially upset. Nobody has turned in my bag of dirty diapers that I somehow knocked out of the car. The good news is that of all the diapers I could have been using that day, I lost the least expensive ones (a few Flip liners, a prefold and a purple cover, and a few WIPES.. sigh) However, I was still upset. The Husband comforted me, though and told me this story:

"Wife, just imagine the poor soul who found this bag and thought they had some goodies on their hands. Someone like my dad or dad's cousin, who would see this bag in the parking lot and their curiosity would get to them. They'd get the bag off the ground and bring it in their car in the low light of the evening, and perhaps their dome light was off or not working. They'd open the bag up and reach their HAND into it!!! Not having a clue as to what was in there since it doesn't have the typical diaper stench. They literally just found a BAG of SHHH.... crap!"

Of course, we just about died laughing thinking about this! So, for the poor person who found my bag: "Sorry but you should've just turned it in!!!" 

Losses on the day: Losing a bag of dirty diapers, going through a laundry washer full of diapers, realizing that house wasn't a great buy

Wins for the day: Spending a great day with my family, getting my birthday present, getting my favorite Mexican food, realizing that Organic Pop Tarts are The Bomb, Imagining the poor person who decided to open my bag of crap and giving me a blog post.

All in all... not too shabby.

This post is part of:
Manic Mommy Monday!


  1. I would be so sad to lose some diapers but seriously, that's what they get for not turning it in!

  2. I was sad for you from the beginning because I saw where this was going! At least you didn't lose your favorite diapers! I'm scared of doing something like this one day!
