Friday, March 23, 2012

It's Friday!!!

Woot! It is Friday, and that means a couple of things.

Number 1: I am done with our Taxes!!! Woohoo! Since we own our own business, our taxes are not "easy-peasy", and I dread them because we usually have to pay in self-employment taxes for things like Medicare and all that down the road. Well, I should not have dreaded them that long. I forgot about something we had this past year. A little thing we nicknamed our sweet, little tax deduction! The Baby! This is the first year in a decade we've gotten anything back. We really shouldn't have waited this long to do them! Ha!

Number 2: Tonight is Date Night!

Number 3: The Baby is done teething. All week, he's been trying to break through his second tooth on the bottom. It has been incredibly like hell  sleep depriving and hard. This coming week, I'm hoping to get back on my regular schedule and sleep routine and thus get some blog posts written.

Number 4: This is the most important, and I need your help with this one. Yesterday, as I was taking laundry out of the dryer, I noticed a Bouty Paper Towel still intact, that looked almost brand new. Conversation that followed:

Me: Husband, I found a paper towel in the dryer that made it through the wash and dry cycle in one piece. It looks almost brand-new. Those things really do hold up!

Captain: Well, maybe we should start washing and reusing them.

Me: Hmm... good idea.

Captain: Why do we even USE paper towels? I mean, we use CLOTH diapers!!!

Me: Very true... I will look for a solution to that.

So, RT Blog Readers, I need some ideas. I love the easy usage of paper towels, how you can just rip one off and have it be fresh and clean. I hate having damp towels hanging around. I have NO storage and not much money. I thought of maybe a way to have fresh clean towels on a roll like the paper towels? Any ideas?

Don't worry.. we're not going to replace our toilet paper either (at least not yet muhahaha) with  Family Cloth yet. :)

Thank you dear readers for your help in this! Your ideas for my hair were AWESOME! I hope to be back to posting more Random Thoughts this next week!

1 comment:

  1. In a penny-pinching mood, we have given up paper towels for the last two weeks. With a stack of rags nearby (old socks and underwear can be recycled this way) and a couple extra dishtowels, we have done pretty well. I think I might bring them back into the house (we use the ones with recycled content) but I will reach for a towel first!
