God's Beautiful Artistry! I was lucky to capture this in 2008. |
Matthew 5:14-16
Jesus said:
14 "You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16 In this way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven."
When I took art classes, I learned so much about lighting, and how it can affect so much of a painting or mood of a photograph. Light, bounced off of a bright surface will multiply, lighting up even the darkest of shadows, sometimes giving off the most beautiful glow. Conversely, light bounced off of dark surfaces will absorb the light, rendering shadows, and even making the source of light look dull or stark.
When I was given my Christ-light, this wonderful gift of discernment and love and knowledge, I have not always wielded it with the best of intentions. At times, I've shined my light on my husband, not to make him glow, but to shine a light on his darkness, the part of him that wasn't shining so brightly. In essence, I used my light selfishly, trying to change him by highlighting his darkness, while failing to use the light on my own dark spots of sin.
At other times, I've shined my light so brightly on a mirror, bouncing my Christ-light back onto my own bright spots, even more selfishly. Look how bright I am! Look at the bright spots, how much I shine for God! Or even using my light to highlight my own need for prayer. Look how important my need to do better is!
And others? I've used it to shine my light and expose those who've never had a light themselves. Look how much darkness is in this person! They've never known God, as if this is a something it wasn't my job to help rectify.
But, what happens when we use our light the way God intended us to? What happens when I use my light to shine it towards God, instead of a mirror? Oh, the Glory! He is illuminated, and multiplied and glorified, and the path to his everlasting light is made gorgeously, illustriously clear!
And what if I shine that light on someone lost in the dark, not as a spotlight like a police cruiser might use, but as a beacon of help and of hope. What if I use my light as a flashlight to help them navigate out of the darkness, lighting the path towards the giver of light, saving their everlasting soul? How utterly, wonderfully, marvelous!
What if I use my light to shine it on the God-given light of others? Light with light illuminates so beautifully! And what if we keep going and so much light is created that it starts to soften even the darkest spots of sin, we all still have inside. What if it is so glorious and breathtaking that every soul is aching to have their own Christ-light? What if the light just keeps growing and growing and growing, and the whole world is filled with what the light brings, ultimate peace and Christ-like LOVE? Wow..
But how? How do we use our light in this way? How do we keep the light going? I'm a stay at home mom, saddled with the pain and desperation that a devastatingly painful genetic condition brings.
The secret is in the small things, the everyday interactions, even something as simple as checking out at a cash register at the grocery store. It starts with just being present, seeking The Lord in all you do.
This is my challenge for you, the "Shine Your Light Challenge"

Next time you need to go to the grocery store, or other store, or mail something or whatever task you need to do, be it alone, or with children, or even jointly with your spouse, complete this set of tasks.
1.) Be PREPARED for what you need to do, with a grocery list, or all the measurements for something you need to buy. Bring all the things you need to create a pleasant experience if you're going to be out for a bit. Bring snacks, entertainment, and whatnot, especially if you're bringing kids along.
2.) Be PRAYERFUL about what you're going to do. When you get into the car, ask God to help you through the task you have at hand. Most importantly, ask God to show you how you can be of service and shine your Christ-light today while you're out. Make sure you do this with anyone you're bringing with you.
3.) Be PRESENT. If you're doing this challenge with others, make sure you are engaged with them as you go about each step of your outings. If you're traveling with others, talk about what you need to do at the store and what your expectations of them are. If you're going alone, make sure you avoid distracted driving, so no phone use. Look around and notice things on your way. Look for hurting people, people who are waiting on the bus when it is 90 degrees outside, people who look like they're trapped in addiction, people who you may not be able to help much, but allow yourself to pray for them, that they may be helped by others, if you're unable to help them safely.
4.) Be POSITIVE. Throughout your task, try to keep your thoughts on what you can do for others and remain positive, while driving, while completing your task, while talking with others. Don't forget to pray when you arrive at your destination and throughout your task. If you get aggravated at something you need not being there, be thankful for an opportunity to talk to someone. If you are in a long line, use this opportunity to chat with others. Ask them how they're doing. Find something to compliment them on. Ask to help them with something if they're struggling. Don't forget to ask God to show you who you can help and with what!
Whether it is helping an elderly person into the store, having a conversation with someone who is desperately lonely, buying something for someone who is hungry, praying for someone who needs it, or just simply shining your light, I trust that by being PREPARED for what you need to do so you're able to complete your own task without worry, being PRAYERFUL so that you are able to remain on God's tasks, being PRESENT so you notice others' needs (including your own family's needs), and by being POSITIVE which will give you the confidence to help someone without focusing on your own worries, you can shine your Christ-light so brightly and truly make a difference in each small task you need to complete.
If you take this "Shine Your Light Challenge", please get back to me! Tell me how you felt, how you helped, and how God was glorified!
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